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March Newsletter 2023



Being ‘Crunchy’ is not alternative.

It’s common sense.

Birthing your baby anywhere other than that germ-infestd place where sick people congregate…

• Delayed cord clamping so that the mama can pump blood, nutrients, hormones and powerful flora to the newborn…
• Let your kid play outside and be exposed to an environment that isn’t bathed in Purel and antiseptics…
• Let a fever run its course because maybe just maybe it’s actually serving a purpose…
Building a fort in the woods with your kid instead of letting them play Fortnite for hours on end…
Adopting a food pyramid whose base isn’t compromised of Cheetos and hot dogs…
Not loading your kiddo up with antibiotics. You know, like the chicken you pay extra for at the grocery store…
• Understanding that gentle and specific adjustments from a chiropractor optimizes brain and body function empowering every kid to live at their full potential…

Sure, Call us ‘Crunchy’… But you can also call us healthy.

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 IMG_7148Meet Catherine!

     Beyond amazing results, one of our major goals for your care is to be efficient and effective with your busy lives and schedules! Your health, your energy, and how much fuel you have in your Life Tank is what DRIVES your schedule though. It’s not some random box that you may check since it’s at the bottom of that list. 

Health is a priority or it isn’t…
It’s that simple.

     Catherine is one of our absolute favorite humans at TLC! Her smile literally lights up the room, but it was tears that brought her back her. You see, Catherine drives an hour and a half to get here. After restoring her health a year+ ago, she had paused her care and like so many of us, her health went back to the bottom of that list that never gets done. She was welcomed back with open arms after a devastating low back injury.

One of the most unselfish thing you can do is to daily put your health at the top of that list. 


At TLC we don’t guess, we measure!

Images on the right are Catherine’s scans when she returned to TLC (before) and how she’s doing today (after).

This is a Surface EMG scan that measures neurological tension and wasted energy.

The scans helps our team identify the areas to focus on so we can offer specific and gentle adjustments, guaranteeing the best results.

She was in excruciating pain and everything else she was trying didn’t help.

We found the root cause, recommended a specific frequency of care and after a few weeks, she is feeling MUCH better!






Happy Birthday



In honor of MarNai’s birthday, we have asked her some questions to learn some of her best memories while at TLC.

Describe one of your favorite days working at TLC and why you loved it :

My favorite days are the moments I get to interact with our members big and small, whether it’s holding your little one, playing with the kids and definitely hearing about your life adventures and health journeys. I love seeing our families and their kids grow and seeing the positive impact chiropractic has in our lives.

What is a nickname you’ve been given that you think best describes you:

MarNai Poppins

What are your favorite things to do outside of work:

Relax and hangout -with family, friends or just myself. I like visiting with others and  hearing about their lives. It’s even better when I can combine it with something that needs to get done (for me or someone else) like yard work, cooking, repairs or something as crazy as trying to paint the full exterior of my house.

Name a practice member at TLC who always puts a smile on your face:

They all make me smile.

What’s a fun/funny story you remember since working at TLC:

The kitty cat- mid morning on a Saturday shift.  We have a few members in and we are talking about their cats. The one member is sharing how their cat just had kittens and were telling the other member she should come get one as a companion to her other cat. In the middle of that statement we see a kitten run in front of the door. Turns out one of their kittens hitched a ride under the car to the appointment ( kitten was fine).



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